Monday, November 14, 2011

I rather liked the idea Clynton brought up in his blog post, "the reward for a life of justice comes in the afterlife." I have to wonder if this idea was come up with because people noticed the injustice of life and how people who seem to be bad were getting good things. I know even now people who seem to be bad can be quite successful. Ardiaeus the Great was probably specified because he had riches in life.

It seems to me this is a way to explain how bad people can get good things in spite of Karma.  I have heard a theory that all religions main purpose is to control the people’s actions.  In this way, they could convince people to do good even if they don’t see any immediate reward. Not only that, but it’s rather comforting to think that someone who has wronged you will get his or her just desserts in the end.

How we all like to think life works.

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