Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Final Post

My three best posts of the Semester:
1.Ah ha!
     I liked this one because it really did take me that long to realize the significance of Gilgamesh not being able to stay awake. Prior to realizing death and sleep were "twins" in Greek mythology I just thought it was quite odd that Utnapishtim would use that as a test.

2. Passive Aggressive God
    This one I re-examined my view of God and his attitudes. I'd never noticed  before how the God of the Old Testament seems to have passive aggressive issues.

3. Death in Beowulf
   Views of death in Beowulf, as well as noting the inconsistencies in religion in the text. It is fairly obvious Beowulf was originally a pagan tale which has been adopted by Christianity.

I chose these three posts because they were the ones I enjoyed writing the most and/or learned the most in the process of writing. I really enjoyed having my views changed in the process of taking this class and writing this blog.

At the beginning of this semester I didn't have an opinion of literature from this time period. The only book from this time I had read was the Bible, and that was not read as "literature". After being exposed to a wide variety of medieval literature I  was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't at all written like the bible, Gilgamesh for instance could possibly even be written by a modern author, and you can see all the major types of stories one can write in the text. 

It is interesting to see how these stories have effected modern literature as well. I had no idea Beowulf was the basis for Conan, and I would like to go check out some of the fan sites for Beowulf, showing the views of the minor characters in the text.

Throughout this semester I have learned to look at literature in different ways, rather than just reading it for pleasure, it is possible to understand other cultures and times by examining stories more thoroughly. It is also interesting how often we add things that aren't there to stories, especially in the Bible, because our "common sense" tell us it's there, even if it's not.

Some of my strengths are that I am on top of my assignments (most of the time) and I can generally motivate myself to do well. As a writer I am usually able to convey what I think to paper. A weakness would be that I tend to lose my words. I may know there's a perfect word, but often it will not come to me.

Over all, I think I earned an A or a high B this semester. I came to every class at least somewhat prepared, and tried to contribute to them. This semester I was able to learn a lot, not just about literature, but other cultures as well. I almost wish I was an English major so I could take more of the literature classes and learn about the more modern literature as well.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy,

    Thanks for all your hard work this semester. It's been a pleasure to read your blog. It was without fail packed full of interesting observations, questions, and arguments. The pictures were great too!
